Episode 16: Nutritional Strategies to Slow Growth of Pigs During Special Circumstances

Sarah Schieck Boelke, swine Extension educator is joined with Lee Johnston, University of Minnesota swine nutrition faculty and Pedro Urriola, University of Minnesota swine nutrition faculty in a discussion about nutritional strategies to slow growth of pigs during these special circumstances of pork packing plant closures due to COVID-19. Listen to the podcast:z.umn.edu/PodcastEpisode16 (recorded May 1, 2020)Learn More About Information Shared in the PodcastCheck out the article What to do if your pork packing plant is closed posted on UMN Swine Extension blogCheck out other COVID-19 resources for pork producers on UMN Swine Extension blog
Sarah Schieck Boelke, swine Extension educator is joined with Lee Johnston, University of Minnesota swine nutrition faculty and Pedro Urriola, University of Minnesota swine nutrition faculty in a discussion about nutritional strategies to slow growth of pigs during these special circumstances of pork packing plant closures due to COVID-19. Listen to the podcast:z.umn.edu/PodcastEpisode16 (recorded May 1, 2020)Learn More About Information Shared in the PodcastCheck out the article What to do if your pork packing plant is closed posted on UMN Swine Extension blogCheck out other COVID-19 resources for pork producers on UMN Swine Extension blog
Episode 16: Nutritional Strategies to Slow Growth of Pigs During Special Circumstances
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