On Minnesota's Swine & U podcast, the University of Minnesota Extension Swine team brings you research updates and more.

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Episode 44: Surveillance of African and Classical Swine Fevers in the U.S.

In the podcast, Swine Extension Educator Sarah Schieck Boelke speaks with Rachel Schambow who is a researcher with the UMN Center for Animal Health and Food Safety at ...

Episode 43: Feeding hybrid rye to organic growing-finishing pigs.

In the podcast, Extension Swine Educator Sarah Schieck Boelke speaks with Gabriella Lima who recently finished her Master of Science degree in the Department of Animal...

Episode 42: Identifying the tail biter in a pen of growing-finishing pigs with intact tails.

In the podcast, Extension Swine Educator Sarah Schieck Boelke speaks with Courtney Archer who is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Animal Science. Courtney speaks...

Episode 41: African Swine Fever preparedness for the U.S.

In the podcast, Swine Extension Educator Sarah Schieck Boelke speaks with Rachel Schambow who is a postdoctoral researcher with the UMN Center for Animal Health and Fo...

Episode 40: Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and investigating its antimicrobial susceptibility.

In the podcast, Swine Extension Educator Sarah Schieck Boelke speaks with associate professor Maria Pieters about her research investigating the antimicrobial suscepti...

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